Black professionals on Broadway make up less than 1% of offstage talent

Between 1866-2020, there have only been three Black lead producers of Broadway Musicals

There has been a 1100% increase in Black General Managers since Broadway closed for the pandemic


To remove the “ILLUSION OF INCLUSION” in the American Theatre, by building a sustainable ethical roadmap that will increase employment opportunities for diverse theatre professionals. Our vision is to reshape the working ecosystem for those who have been marginalized by systemically racist and biased ideology.


Black Professionals make up less than 1% of the theatrical workforce. BTC is working to increase those numbers. BTC has secured partnerships with top companies and professionals across every major sector of the Broadway and theatrical ecosystem to identify diverse candidates for employment, fellowship, and apprenticeship opportunities.


BTC provides emerging, mid-career, and career changing diverse professionals opportunities to learn the process of theatre-making – from leaders at the highest levels in executive, creative, producing, and administrative areas while developing a strong network for continued success and employment in the industry.

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